17 June 2022

Worser Bay School - Te Kura o Whetūkairangi is 125 years old!

The very first school built on the Peninsula!

Reading from a piece written 25 years ago ......

  • A real neighbourhood school

  • Family atmosphere

  • Known for it's inclusive and supportive community

  • Provides a supportive cooperative and stimulating environment

  • Promotes balanced growth of individuals

  • Provides glue for the community

and on we go. The philosophy has remained strong over time whilst keeping focused on latest research and happenings in the world of educating for the future.

Since the school celebrated it's 100 years many improvements and modernisation has happened to the school buildings and the grounds. Next up we are looking forward to a brand new library/ creative space. The plans can be seen on our website and should be starting soon (-ish) Then we have the new roof for the senior school and new junior toilets whilst continuing to improve our outdoor spaces for learning and play.

Our teaching practices, positive school culture and knowledge of each child as an individual is something we are very proud of.

The saying goes "it takes a village to raise a child". Well it also takes a village to raise the adequate funding for a school to be able to provide the children of today with a quality education.

Being a Decile 10 school we receive less government funding and therefore need to find creative and hopefully ingenious ways of filling some of the gap. Sausages and pizza, T shirts, sunhats and hoodies just tickle the tonsils. Your payment of Voluntary Contributions annually certainly helps us increase teacher / learning support capacity and capability, and the largest event in the calendar THE WORSER BAY SCHOOL FAIR is the one that brings the biggest rewards.

Although it's about funds, it's just as much about FUN. Many of you newer to the school have been to previous fairs and now after a 2 year pandemic driven hiatus we are able to bring it back! This is it!

On Sunday 13 November 11 am -1 pm we can celebrate our school's place in the community, our 125 years of standing strong on the hill!

As we haven't been able to hold a fair for so long (and raise the associated funds) this one is going to be extra special. The other thing about our fair is it needs to be a true whole community effort - planning beforehand, during and packing up after. Plus it's a great way to make connections with other parents as you dish up some nachos or run a rapid raffle.

Drum roll - it's going to happen and we will be looking for your support in helping us do that.

Let's go for gold at 125!

You will be hearing a lot more about how you can be involved in the coming weeks....
