1 December 2023

On Monday evening, the teachers and Board got together to chat through the 2023 highlights and challenges. Conversations were varied and covered a wide range of learning areas. Of course, with a strong focus on Reading, Writing and Maths - we also have other areas which contribute to the 'success' we sought feedback on from the children and yourselves.

We are THRILLED with the leaps we have been able to make in Writing especially this year. It's been accelerated progress for the strong majority of our target students and this is down to a massive investment in time and research and application from our teachers. In fact, the most accelerated progress we have EVER had, we believe, across all Reading, Writing and Maths.

In the Junior school, the Best Start Literacy Approach learning (brain hurt-y stuff as in Post Grad level micro-credentialing) has been a colossal undertaking and one that is giving our teachers new tools in their kit, especially in the first two years of school. This has been nicely complemented with a rich and varied programme focused on real life, promoting Curiosity and Creativity, and the buzz is evident.

The Science programme in the Seniors, with the alignment to Moanamana, access to 'real authentic scientists' and their tremendous science/tech equipment) has brought new layers of knowledge and understanding to the learning. We want our children to be excited and, to get them excited, our teachers need to be too! It's a chain reaction. We talk about the perfect storm this year with Moanamana, Enviroschools, our work with Kura Ahurea and Creatives in Schools project all coming together with sweet synergy and great results!

Positive Education - the taught and caught continues to be an underpinning foundation and the glue that holds us together 'culturally' as we make bold and optimistic choices for our children.

We shared the fact that as a staff we will stay focused on moving forward and doing the absolute best we can amongst any changes that may come our way in 2024.

Sports was highlighted in terms of participation and the number of children involved now, especially at Junior level. The way in which the whole school plays together - working out solutions with pulleys, Seniors coaching Juniors, creating, making and imagining has fostered some supportive relationships across all ages on a Friday afternoon at Takaro Tahi time. 

We have to commend the full edition of the ZINE - and the interest in Visual Literacy also supporting Reading achievement goals - the window seat in the Library is loved!.

The Arts Celebration, WOW, Art Club, the Orchestra, Kapa Haka, Creatives in Schools, Enviroschools....., wait until the pou arrives... it... is.... soon.

Our children have truly benefited from extremely rich pickings this year.


We thank our teachers and Learning Assistants, Steph and Carolyn for living the Nike tick of 'Just Do It!'

Next week, we will have our penultimate Newsletter...... with the final week being full to the brim of Year 6 Dinners, Poroaki, and Parents' Dos and the WRAP..... and, of course, plenty of dates to diary for Term 1, 2024.