Updates from Jude

Each week in the newsletter Jude writes a reflection piece. 

Below is this week's reflection - scroll down for other topics.

Also see the Positive Education page - one of Jude's passions!

26 July 2024

We have landed in Term 3 with plenty of action afoot!

I hope you all had a chance for some down time / fun time or to experience whatever your family likes to do most over the break.

There is plenty happening in the education sphere with timelines and webinars and updates and you name it popping into the inbox daily at the moment. I've been having a ponder about all of this, naturally, and mainly about our teaching staff. What needs to be kept aside to just in time information as to not overload or what is important to get heads inside now before intended implementation?? - So plenty of sifting of the lumps out of the flour, so to speak.

On the theme of food, many of you will remember our teacher Jenny Cruden. (The best salted caramel cookie maker I know.) Jenny started with us as a Beginning Teacher and was a key part of the teaching team for 4 years, based in the Senior School. I had the joy of catching up with her in her London N1 primary school recently. I just had to take the obligatory selfie of this occasion, as Jenny was the queen of the staff selfie! 

As Jenny led me on a tour of the school I could observe the easy relationship she had formed with both children and colleagues, the obvious enjoyment she had in her day to day work and the attention she gave to the different children and what they brought ....... right across the school. Ahhhhh, I thought - although the context is very different to 168 Seatoun Heights Road.... there she is still seeing all of the children as part of her charge, regardless of which part of the school is her home base. Some things stick no matter what hemisphere or realm you may find yourself in! I was pleased.

This then brought me to thinking about the great need for adaptability and flexibility as our teachers work with complexity and uncertainty and put their best foot forward over the coming months. Whilst this term has a big focus on the Performing Arts - a particular flavour of drama needs to be limited as at the end of the day, as I noted with Jenny, regardless of context relationships, professional knowledge and growth, thoughtful and considerate practices are key...... and universal.

When I look at the Code and Standards for the Teaching Profession, that's what we will continue to match ourselves against as we travel on through, catch a headwind when we can and pop the motor on high if the seas get a little choppy at times.

I'm hopeful you will see plenty of examples of this as we continue to keep our school vision and strategic direction at the forefront. Here's to a great term ahead!

Jude's Reflections 2024

26 July 2024 - Codes and Standards for the Teaching Profession

05 July 2024 - Screens and Sensory rest

27 June 2024 - Critical Thinking

21 June 2024 - Perfectionism

14 June 2024 - Kāhui Ako o Te Motu Kairangi

7 June 2024 - AWE

31 May 2024 - Writing by hand

24 May 2024 - Making Mistakes and Perseverance

17 May 2024 - Let's Talk Maths!

10 May 2024 - Brain Development

3 May 2024 - Pou Project Published!

12 April 2024 - Term 1 Reflections

22 March 2024 - Our Positive Education Programme

15 March 2024 - Learning 'outside'

8 March 2024 - Localised curriculum

1 March 2024 - Strategic Plan and Annual Goals

23 February 2024 - Relationship building opportunities

16 February 2024 - Goal Setting for 2024

9 February 2024 - Aspirations for 2024

Jude's Reflections 2023

8 December 2023 - What a Year!

1 December 2023 - 2023 Highlights and Challenges

24 November 2023 - Many hands make light work

17 November 2023 -  The Fair

10 November 2023 -  Our Supportive Community

3 November 2023 -  Strategic Direction

20 October 2023 - Spring is in the air!

13 October 2023 - What's happening in Term 4?

22 September 2023  - Term 3 Reflection

15 September 2023 - The Arts Celebration

8 September 2023 - Visual Arts

1 September 2023 - Positive feedback

25 August 2023 - What sort of school would we say we are?

18 August 2023 - Change across the Education Sector

11 August 2023 - What does success look like for your child?

4 August 2023 - "Other People Matter"

28 July 2023 - Year 6 "Flourish" Programme

21 July 2023 - "What are you looking forward to?" 

30 June 2023 - Term 2 Highlights

23 June 2023 - School in Action Morning

16 June 2023 - Localised curriculum

2 June 2023 - The Library

26 May 2023 - Student Voice

19 May 2023 - "Change the question and you will change the conversation"

12 May 2023 - Mental Health Education Guidelines

5 May 2023 - Kāhui Ako

31 March 2023 - Striving for Excellence

24 March 2023 - New Zealand Curriculum Refresh

17 March 2023 - Motivation and Engagement Wheel

10 March 2023 - Community, Rōpū, bunch, band, neighbourhood... 

3 March 2023 - Goleman's Emotional Intelligence

24 February 2023 - Emotion Coaching for Parents

17 February 2023 - Language is powerful

10 February 2023 - National Education Learning Priorities  (NELPS) for Aotearoa/NZ

Jude's Reflections 2022

9 December 2022 -  Whānau Social Events - End of 2022 / Start of 2023

2 December 2022 - Creatives in Schools programme

25 November 2022 -  End of Year Events

18 November 2022 -  Fair Feedback

11 November 2022 - Encouraging a Community to Flourish

4 November 2022 - Use of Technology

21 October 2022 - Positive Accomplishment

23 September 2022  -  The importance of Student-led Conferences

16 September 2022  - The joys of Camp!

9 September 2022  - Strategic Plan

2 September 2022 - Physical Health

26 August 2022 - Te Wā Mahi Tahi Movie

19 August 2022 - Fair Volunteer Form

12 August 2022 - I am connected!  Relationships and communication.

5 August 2022 - Family Music Jam

29 July 2022 - Launch of Te Wheke - our Zine.

8 July 2022 - Upcoming community events

1 July 2022 - Together we can, individually we can't !

17 June 2022 - Te Kura o Whetūkaingi  is 125 years old !

03 June 2022 - Visual Literacy

27 May 2022

20 May 2022

Jude's Reflections 2021