10 September 2021

Post date: September 10, 2021

It's certainly been a game of 2 halves this week.... a larger half at home and these 2 days at school in Level 2. There hasn't been a right way to do home learning, there is no magic answer or black and white - just grey with a variety of textures. I enjoyed reading this article in the weekend - it says this well and focuses on the real world not a utopian paradise! If you didn't see it, you may like to read it too.

So, whilst all families' needs and desires differ and teachers juggle to find a balance whilst in Levels 3 and 4, they have a lot more definites in the profession when we get back to Level 2. One of these definites is being very deliberate in what we focus on in the programmes over the first couple of days back.

"Engagement", "Relationships" and "Positive Emotions" can take a bow this week. Wellbeing check-ins with individual children have also supported this transition back to school life 'for real'. Of course, having opportunities to catch up with friends in a variety of ways has been timetabled along with deliberate teaching around Positive Relationships. This is something we do after any normal holiday break..... and we find is necessary + when we come back after a Lockdown period.

Some of our children will have had little screen time, some will have gone overboard with screen time. We know, we get it. This week (in these 2 days) is mainly about resetting and reestablishing... next week as we head into a whole 5 days we can anticipate a 'normal' week. I do love that word normal - normal for one is not normal for another. Which takes me back to the thoughtful way the teachers approached Home Learning. It is very much the "You say potato and I say potaaaaato" stuff!

Here's to a great last few weeks of Term 3.