11 August 2023

What does success look like for your child?

This is a bit of a project being undertaken over the next wee while. Parents, children and staff will be randomly selected to be asked the question.... and, in the children's case, what success looks like for themselves!

This information is going to be collated into one package and themes for us to check ourselves against will be extracted from the thoughts.

We are in the midst of a flurry of changes in education..... and, within it all, some things remain constant. Schools are all about learning - whether it's about learning about relationships or learning about the periodic table...... but which aspects of learning really sing to our community, our children and staff..... do we have a shared picture of success or a cloak of vastly different colours and textures? Whilst we have guiding must do's from the Ministry of Education, we also have some flexibility to develop our flavour.

It's time to check in to see if the spice mix is tasty enough......... so, if you don't get directly approached for a "What does success look like for your child?" over the next few weeks, please let your children's teachers know what you think.

The aim is to use this information as a touchstone for future decision making.

I'm excited to see where we head next..........