19 May 2023

I recall going to a parenting meeting years ago where the facilitator told us to never ask “What did you do at school today?” to a child as you are likely to get a “nothing”…... even a “How was school today?" often results in a “boring”....... instead she suggested a “What was your best lesson today?” and maybe followed up with a “What did you like best about it?” She suggested more of a “What were you proud of….?” or a “What are you looking forward to tomorrow?”

Oh the power of the question - it really can make a huge difference. I’m bringing it up as I do hear a few “nothings” or “I don’t know” when on road patrol in the afternoons….. as I often say to staff “Change the question and you will change the conversation” especially for those of you who are struggling to get more out than a grunt. (Surely they are too young to be in that mode already?!)

Speaking of hearing children’s words, we were doing a bit of an evaluation against indicators of quality practices a couple of weeks back and the whole topic was student voice and student feedback. 

It seems pretty basic but can be easily forgotten when time is flying. There are quick simple ways for us to elicit feedback as to how children found a lesson - whether it was too difficult, too simple… or just about right - just a little bit difficult…. so that they are actually learning!

These days, we attempt to co-create lesson design with our willing subjects. Gone are the days of the doing to - but it is a fine line sometimes as we also have a multitude of things that have to happen in a given day, week, term or year. Here is an example - the further to the right, the better the practice. Our feeling is that we aren’t to the far end YET…….

Like I had on some of my school reports, “Room for some improvement!” 

We don’t sit on our laurels - always looking for the next step - that’s a good thing. If you arrive, you have stopped.  

Extract from Evaluation Associates: