20 October 2023

Spring is in the air. The windows are rattling and pohutukawa bits are flying. Our groundsperson, Chester, is sweeping as fast as he can every weekend and I must say he’s trying very hard to keep things under control. Children can go a little ‘full on’ in the wind, so just as well us adults are so calm. ;)

I’m fine with all of this happening now so that come Sunday 12 November it relaxes! There is so much going on behind the scenes for the Fair. The team have really been demonstrating to us a platter of Character Strengths - Judgment, Teamwork, Leadership, Creativity, Curiosity…… and more, much more. It does take the whole community, so thanks for volunteering, sorting those donations out, getting crafty, networking, spreading the word. For those of you newer to the school this is one of a few events a year where everyone joins together  and celebrates. The aim is to show plenty of gratitude and support and keep smiles on these hard working parents' faces ALL day. We know help comes in various forms too - from more overt to obscure - just like our children!

The other biggy this year in December where everyone shows up is the end of year Wrap. The word 'wrap' will be taking on various forms also soon as the Seniors will be shrink wrapped in order to get a sparkling brand new roof over summer. Say goodbye to leaks and buckets, finally! Steph will be sharing more details about this - due to start the week after the Fair when the children's outdoor activities (fingers crossed) get well into gear.

The whole school end of year Wrap - Thursday 14 December, 5.30pm - 7pm. Classes share some items, we have a bit of a community sing song, whānau BYO food and drinks picnic-style, there are a couple of speeches and plenty of informal fun.

Then there will be a range other get togethers sprinkled in between, Orchestra Assembly, Kapa Haka Assembly, Transition chats.....and then the 1-1 Progress Meetings with parents/teachers too. Watch the Newsletter.

I've just found out I've moved from Nachos to Cheese Rolls for the Fair stall this year. I'm thrilled - quite simple and maybe more time to whip off and get some other purchases made!

Wind wind go away..... and come back another day- not 12 November! Or this long weekend!

See you back Wednesday 25 October.