21 July 2023

Some of our Week 1 Term 3 voices:

"I am looking forward to creating more art"

"I am going to build a big tower and maybe even a whole city with my friends"

"When I do my writing I think I can do at least 2 pages"

"I'd like to learn to be a good leader"

"I want to be a librarian"

"I am looking forward to more Science at the beach"

When simply asked "What are you looking forward to?"... We can help children hook into goals, future forecasting and tick some boxes around Positive Accomplishment. If you want to go a step further moving more into the embodiment aspects of accomplishment - "How are you going to feel when you have created more art... built that big tower... written at least 2 pages... are being a great leader... being a librarian... learning more about Science?"

It's quite a different conversation to " What did you do today?" As some of you have recently told me - you get the typical response to this question "Nothing!"

Maybe in the second half of the year it's a good time to change it up!

The Term 3 calendar is full of opportunities for achieving smaller and bigger things. As well as striving to meet our academic goals in reading, writing and maths we turn attention to some big overall themes too... Inquiry learning is always a feast of possibilities and with Term 3 always culminating in the Arts Celebration (this year being an odd year it has more of the visual arts focus - even years develop more of a performing arts whirl).

There will be a bit of experimentation happening in the library area - which we managed to open the door to midway this week.

All things patient with this project = Steph. It's been a mission!

Teachers are running a series of workshops at playtimes over the next few weeks - a bit of crafting, some comic strips, some drawing, audiobooks, games... just trying things out to see where children choose to sit, what activities they choose to engage in... where the best place for which types of books and materials may be...

The whole collection won't all be out in the space from the start as we are wanting to get the mix of books and 'other' in this wonderful new space from the start. When the concept of building a new library was first explored, we met with representatives from the National Library to provide some guidance of where libraries of today and tomorrow are heading. Please let us know if you have thoughts... the intention is for this hub to be seen as a community space. A space where you can sit with toddlers in the mornings before school and suchlike.

Meanwhile we celebrated Matariki/Puanga today... we had a lovely Matariki celebration at lunchtime today. The ovens did their thing and the potato and kumara was devoured with lashings of butter. What a great opportunity for whānau to chat and enjoy a lunchtime together and thank you sun - you poked through to shine upon us.