30 June 2023

We have arrived at the end of the term - it's been a biggie! 

We have had some great achievements over these 10 weeks. Highlights for me have been the Interim Data and Progress Meetings occurring, the Positive Purpose Days, the School in Action Morning, the Writing and Te Ao Māori Professional Learning through Kura Ahurea, Creatives in Schools -pou project taking shape, Whānau Days, the rich authentic learning experiences the children have had on the menu, School Assemblies, Inquiry Days, Sports Mentors, the Library almost, almost there, Cross Country on a stunning day at the beach, the Moanamana project, ..... and that's just the top few things on my brain pile!

Thank you to all of our parent helpers, sports coaches and managers, fundraising volunteers, bakers and general cheerleaders. HOORAY!

We farewell Adam Murfitt this week as he leaves to to take up a Team Leader position at Maungaraki School in the Hutt. Your Donald Duck impersonations won't be forgotten, Adam!

We welcome a number of new and familiar faces:

He tangata, he tangata, he tangata!

Term 3 is taking on a terrific shape. I'm excited!

In the meantime, July is mindfulness month - so try your best over the holiday break - I know the staff are keen to breathe!