30 October 2020

Post date: Oct 30, 2020 1:18:38 AM

It tends to speed up even more around this time and I know we have this 'thing' here that we rev up, none of that wind down thing until the last day of term! We need to ride the energy wave!

So, with that in mind, you will see there is a lot of building progress being made and we are right on target (even cheekily possibly.... maybe... a bit ahead!)

The new 'outdoor classroom' will very soon be completed. It's quite incredible what a magnet wet concrete is for small hands (even with a fence around it, always a tiny gap!). With the rubber floor, made from recycled tyres, and the clear 'tent' sides - that wind up/down and can be secured.... you can imagine the multitude of possibilities. Environmental learning for instance - out there in nature and getting involved in the water cycle with the help of our new water tanks, a break out space, yoga, dance, drama, dance, music....... we also see it as a form of amphitheatre, looking down onto the 'stage' with seating around it. Meetings, get togethers, community events...... shade for playtimes, great at the Fair, no loss of space, top views..... it's going to be so well loved!

It's funny how areas get names "middle court", "bottom court", "back court", "big kids playground", "little kids playground", "top grass" ..... and soon we will have another cool area outside the back of "New Autahi". We are envisaging that this will be a great secure space for outdoor gardens and learning for our little people. I'm feeling another Working Bee coming on!

Of course, we have a community Working Bee very soon as well - Sunday 1 November at 9.30am. It's important to keep the rest of our school moving in terms of grounds looking good, whilst we have the build underway and a lot of the school under scaffold.... soon, now... very soon, we will be done!

But not really, as there is the reroof and the redesign of a community living room-esque 'library' under discussion, which is so exciting and we will seek your input here. (This is the soon to be 'old' admin area.)

Less exciting in parts, but ever so needed, we then will be able access some funds from a different Ministry of Education property pot to support us to update the junior toilets, finally. So, although the main project will be complete, there is more, smaller in scope, to come.

Our school is unique, it's special in heart and place. Finally, we will have the outside more where it needs to be!

Then we will have more plans......... I know!